
5 Easy Ways to Repurpose Your Content

Today I'm going to give you five easy ways to repurpose your content. You all know that I am a huge fan of blogging for SEO purposes, as well as just having sort of a backbone, a home base, a place where everyone can go to find all of your stuff.

It is still something that's important to do whether you think blogging is relevant or not. I think it is. So five easy ways to repurpose a blog post.

Number one, you can share a snippet and a link to the full blog post in your newsletter.

Share a little paragraph in your next newsletter, add an image and then link to the full posts so that you drive some traffic back to your site. That way it's really good for SEO.

Photo Business Help podcast with Natalie Jennings cover for episode 104 how to repurpose content

Number two, an Instagram or Facebook posts with images.

So you can certainly take snippets out of your blog. Post a paragraph or a header or something that is catchy and then post that with an image on social.

Number three, you can do a Pinterest drip.

You can take two or three or four images, little snippets, and drip out two or three or four pins within a week because Pinterest, it's almost like Twitter, things just disappear really quickly there. So it's okay to do more than one thing all at once. I like to pull out different parts of the blog post and then make those into separate pins.

Number four, a live share or read in Instagram Live or Facebook Live.

Hop on video, and have your blog post handy. You can either sort of paraphrase from it, or you could read directly from it and share with your audience. What it is that you are writing about?

Photo Business Help podcast with Natalie Jennings build your list optin

Number five, you can turn your blog posts into a lead magnet or an opt in.

There are a lot of different things that you can for lead magnets. I'm going to do an episode about that next time, Episode Number 105. But lead magnets are how you grow your email list and repurposing your blog content into a lead magnet works great.

Do you feel lost when it comes to list building and lead magnets?

I am offering a brand new coaching course, it's 90 minutes. It's called Build Your List. If you are confused about lead magnets and opt ins and how they all work and welcome sequences work and drip sequences and all that, this is exactly the thing for you.

I'm offering it on a sliding fee scale because I know not everyone is rolling in the dough right now, especially with all this COVID stuff. So I really want it to be accessible to you. I want you to keep your momentum going as you're trying to work on your business or the parts of it that you can work on while we're all kind of cooped up.

Head on over to and check that out.

Photo Business Help podcast with Natalie Jennings signature for blog

*episode 104 adapted from podcast transcription

show notes:



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