
Business Ideas for New Photographers, Part 1

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If you're a new photographer looking into starting your own photography business, this article is the place for you. If you're a listener instead of reader, click on the arrow above to hear me talk all about this stuff on the podcast, or listen on your favorite podcast player here.

Feeling overwhelmed in a saturated industry is common, but don't let it discourage you. The fact that it's saturated means that there's a high level of demand for photographers, which means that there's a slice of the pie for everyone. Including you.

I'm hoping these tips (stay tuned for Part 2 as well!) will help you gain clarity around some photo business next steps.

Before you blog

Websites and blogs are a cornerstone of most photography businesses. I certainly think they should be, too. But what should you be thinking about before you dive into the backend of WordPress to noodle around with your fave new theme?

What KIND of photography business do you want to have? What lights you up?

Is it babies in the studio with all of those cute props? Is it food? Families? Weddings? Fashion?

When it comes to photography, there are a lot of options. And I certainly encourage you to try all kinds of things before you settle in. Why? Because you might really surprise yourself.

The thing you think you want to do might turn out to be not your thing at all. And something not even on your radar–like product photography for example–might end up really lighting you up.

So, before you set up a business around a genre or niche, I'm suggesting that you figure out what that niche is first.

Why a niche?

A niche will help you immensely to look more professional, be more effective with your marketing efforts, and ultimately, make it easier for you to book more of the right clients. If you'd like to know more about booking more of the right clients, I'd like to talk to you.

Again, I support trying new things, just don't blog about all of them. One of the easiest ways a new photographer can set themselves apart in this industry is to niche down and avoid the impulse to show everything.

Show what you want to sell.

If it only kind of lights you up but you're doing it for the money, I'd reevaluate your business reasons. I'd also encourage you to avoid showing your audience these sessions.

Once you're able to find what lights you up, go for it. The clarity and focus you'll have in your brand will show. You'll look a lot more put together and you'll have an easier time finding new photo clients.

Stay tuned for part two of this series coming soon!

If you'd like to get a jump on getting organized in your photo biz for 2021, check out this amazing discount from Honeybook! Use this click for the discount:



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