
EP 03: Perfect is the Enemy of Done

Welcome to the PBH! I hope this finds you in a good place today, wherever you are. I’m coming to you from one of my favorite places on this planet: the great north woods of Minnesota. I was born in northern Minnesota, Hibbing to be exact, and look forward to this time of year when the ice is off the lake and things start blooming everywhere. I also really animals, and place like this is magic in the early mornings and late evenings for listening and watching. In a couple of quiet evenings here next to the lake I’ve seen bald eagles, beavers, songbirds of all types, loons prepping their nests and fishing, and all of the other cute critters like chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits.

Episode three Photo Business Help Podcast 
Perfect is the Enemy of Done

For me, it’s vital to get out in nature and reset. If you know me, you know I love to travel and equally enjoy an afternoon in Manhattan NY or camping in the BWCA. They both energize and inspire me in different ways, and maintaining a balance between the city bustle and the bird songs in nature, keep me happiest.

Do you have a place that makes you the happiest?

No matter where you’re at in your journey towards your growth and goals, I hope you can make time to get to those places. When you’re busiest, and most likely to say you don’t have time to go there is probably when you need it the most!

So, I’m here, wrapping up a beautiful week of focused work and long walks.

Before I dive into this episode’s main content, I want to take a minute to share my appreciation and gratitude for those of you supporting this podcast effort. As of this recording, we have a few itunes reviews, and I want to make a point to give them some airtime here:

BKFlanagan says: Love Natalie and her vas’s knowledge and kindness to others. She’s so helpful and goes out of her way to show how much she cares! Can’t wait to see what’s in store!

Thank you BKFlanagan for taking the time to show some love. I do really care about this work, it lights me up a lot to meet new people and, more importantly, know that my own experiences can be so helpful to others.

Thank you! If you’d like to join the review crew, head to

If you listened to episode one, then you probably heard me waffling on about how I sound recording these episodes. I used the word weird a lot, but it’s the truth. Getting used to the way you sound when you play back your own voice is an interesting experience! The perfectionist side of me wanted to immediately trash episode one and start over. But instead, I thought I’d try and learn from my own awkward teaching moment a very important lesson: Perfect is the enemy of done.

In this case, if I continued to vacillate about the final product of the very first episode, I wouldn’t be here recording number three. Instead, I chose a quick fix that put my mind at ease, and allowed me to be real AND move forward. I added a bit of a ramble about the whole thing AFTER the episode was produced and mastered it. It made me feel better somehow to let you guys know how I felt going into this, and it saved me time so I could continue to refine my voice and create new episodes!

Does this mean not to put out your best work? Absolutely not!

I’m a big advocate of always under promising, overdelivering. But sometimes, as in the case of Episode One, my best was where I was at in that moment, knowing what I knew about this podcast and how it would work. And my plan is to always improve.

So what are you working on right now that you keep putting off because it feels like there’s always something that needs to be tweaked? A blog post? A newsletter? Launching your new website? Sharing a new photo editing style? Whatever it is, if you’re nit-picking it to death, you’ll never get it out there. And you might just NEED to get it out there in order to continue growing.

So don’t cut corners, just do you best. But remember that if you’re a perfectionist to the point of paralysis, you may need to push yourself to dive in and, as Nike so brilliantly coined and marketed: Just do it.

Just do it, folks. Stop overanalyzing and overthinking every single move you make. If it feels like the right direction, and you’re proud of the work, move on. There is time for improvement as you coast along in the journey, you CAN’T be 100% perfect, ever!

That’s it for today. Chew on it. Ask yourself if there are any areas in your business or life where you’re hesitating because you’re being a little too hard on yourself.

And, as always, in everything you want to achieve, consistency is key.

Love and light until next time!



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