Do you create things for a living? Maybe you’re a photographer like me, or a chef, or a jeweler…your business or side hustle depends on your creative energy.
Do you sometimes feel stuck?
I totally do. I’ve been doing this gig for nearly a decade, and I still love shooting, but there are time when I’ll be the first to admit the passion is dim. Any repetitive endeavor creates a well-worn groove in your flow. Even though this is indicative of a honed skill or craft, it can also be the kill-joy culprit.

I decided to shake things up.
I mean, why did I start shooting in the first place? Like waaaaay before my first paycheck for photography, why did I do it at all? Because I loved it. It’s such a magical process to capture a moment, and in this day and age, have the tools to mess around with the photo until it’s perfect.
I still loved it, but I wasn’t loving the pattern I was in.

Co-creating something with other juiced-up inspired minds is the antidote, folks. The energy of other creative people is a must, and diving into a different pond is imperative as well.
What does that mean?
It means to stop looking at the same old people for inspiration. Stop even looking in your industry for a minute.

Here’s my story:
My hair dresser and I have become friends over the years and he’s an incredible artist. Not just with my hair, but he can sew magical costumes that I started noticing on Instagram.
At my last appointment I mentioned how much fun it would be to take photos of his outfits and if he would be into it.
Fast forward to an amazing, creative afternoon with two brilliant outfits and a storm of creative energy. Jennacis brought it strong with make-up that would inspire any portrait photographer.
And this shoot was born.

Mix your creative skills with someone else’s and schedule a mutually beneficial play date. You’ll be surprised, and hopefully delighted, with what you come up with.

On IG: @joeydoeshair @goddexxjennacis
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