
Business Growth Starts With Personal Growth

I'm celebrating a big thing in the Photo Business Help world. I am working with my team, my small and mighty PBH team, which is helping me officially launch The Greenhouse.

If you've been paying attention to stuff, you've probably heard that we did a soft launch back in the summer, starting in July, which has been awesome. I've learned a lot from it. I know what I want to do differently, I know what's working really well, and I am super excited to bring The Greenhouse to everybody that is interested in exploring it.

Check it out here:

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Today, I want to talk about the idea, which I believe pretty deeply in, that business growth starts with personal growth. If you're happy, if you're in alignment, if you are in flow, this will flow into your business and all aspects of your life.

episode 245 of the Photo Business Help Podcast 
Business Growth Starts with Personal Growth

I've been doing photography full-time for over 10 years. I've been coaching since 2013, helping people start businesses. And I'm just sort of reflecting on all the decisions I've made to get me to this point. And I realized that too many of my own decisions have often been driven by money, rather than what I was good at. I didn't always follow my own little personal magic and what made me feel good.

I really don't believe that happiness flows when the money comes. At least not for long. Of course, if you won the lottery, you'd be pretty stoked for a little while, but when the dust settles, the money doesn't fill all the holes.

So as I've said, I believe that abundance flows when you're creating from a space that is your “truth magic.” Your truth, plus your magic are your gifts that you can share with the world.

So you're like, “okay, but how do I figure that out? I've got bills. I'm tired. The house is a mess. The dog just puked on the couch. My mom's calling me again.” The process to getting into alignment or recognizing what your own magic is isn't an overnight process, but it is powerful. And it's really long lasting.

It's also huge when you recognize that business growth starts with personal growth. Take your drive for more money and flip it on its head: what if you were creating the imagery that you loved, or working with the people that you loved? That place, where you feel good in your business is where everything really begins to flow. If you're happy, if you're in alignment, you'll make the money, you'll grow your business.

So personal growth first is where kind of everything springs from. Personal growth is a massive topic. It's also something that I think we can get kind of sick of hearing in our world today, for example, “manifest something that you want from the universe.” Those words can make a lot of people want to throw up in their mouth. Even me, as deep as I am entrenched in that world, I still think that there is a way to talk about it and a way to explore it without it being super cheesy. I just know that a lot of this stuff is fundamental.

I was just listening to Lizzo the other day on the radio and thinking about like, how fucking cool is it that she said, “I'm going to also play my flute.” That's something that is in a total alignment for her, for whatever reason. There's an energetic bond there between Lizzo and that instrument. And she kills it. If you look at folks that go out on a limb in the arts, the only way it works is that they believe it, and it feels good for them.

It's why all of the wild, beautiful, crazy creative stuff that you love exists. It's because somebody just decided to follow what felt really good for them.

So feel free to jump in the Facebook group and use the hashtag happy first. And let me know your thoughts. I'll be sure to jump in and join you. I think this is a really fascinating conversation. We will be talking about it. On clubhouse on multiple occasions, but if you want to catch our community on clubhouse and join the conversation, that's every Monday at 2:00 PM central.

photo business help community facebook group. click here to join our community

So I'm giving you a lot of things to think about. Other than the Clubhouse, I'd love for you to jump in the Facebook group with the #happyfirst, and let me know what you think about the idea of business growth starting with personal growth.

If you're not in it, go to I'll be back soon with more Greenhouse goodness and other goodness to share with you. But until then remember, in everything you want to achieve, consistency is key.



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