
Show What You Want to Sell

A common byproduct of starting a new photography business is attracting the wrong client. Why does this happen? What can we do about it?

In today’s episode I’m going to talk about what I think this happens and what you can do to remedy things.

When we’re starting out in photography, it’s often with a slim portfolio.

I’m speaking from my experience as a wedding and lifestyle photographer. It isn’t always easy to get some fresh wedding shots if you’re not booking a lot of–or any–weddings. 

One of the temptations is to jump at the first chance to shadow or second shoot a wedding and THEN blast your social media and blog with those images. This is fine if it’s in alignment, but if the wedding wasn’t your vibe, DON’T share it.

It isn’t a waste just because you can’t share the wedding on social. Think of it as a learning experience. Or experience in general.

Second, you might not be aware of who your ideal client even is. And this might be a process OR you might be crystal clear what kind of biz your building. It’s important to get clear on your ideal client, either way. It’s also important to revisit as your business evolves. 

Photo Business Help Podcast cover art for episode 112

For a quick way to get centered on your ideal client, I’ve put together a free worksheet at

Next, you might be feeling pressure from your clients to share things. I recently chatted with a photog friend who got into it with a client because she DIDN’T share pics from a recent shoot. You have the right to NOT share your work, and don’t need to explain why to any client. Again, stay in alignment with what and why you’re sharing things.

The main point to keep in mind here is to SHOW WHAT YOU WANT TO SELL.

If you are putting a post together, ask yourself: Would I want this same type of client to hire me again?

If the answer is yes, carry on. If not, don’t share it.

But what if you don’t have a portfolio yet?

There’s a previous episode about this, but make your own portfolio. Dig your camera out at parties, BBQs, or wherever else feels in alignment. Want to shoot food? Take your camera out to eat. Sports? Attend events and bring your gear. Families? Snap a few pics of your friend’s cute kid.

NOTE: It’s always important to have permission first. Particularly at weddings. Don't assume it’s okay to just shoot, ask first.

A recap:

Show what you want to sell.

If you need help narrowing in your ideal client, head to

If you’d like to learn how to build a portfolio from scratch, listen to episode six here.



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