
Picture Perfect Blogging with PicTime

How does streamlining your workflow and attracting new clients sound to you? Pretty good? 

Then you should definitely check out Pictime's new integrated blog post feature. You've probably heard me talk about Pictime before—they're a sponsor of the show—and this new feature will allow you to create blog posts directly from your galleries. 

As always with these workflow and marketing tricks, the goal is to give you more time to focus on what you do best – taking beautiful images. This feature is definitely a time-saver. I tried it out, and it took me just 30 seconds to create a blog post from a gallery! You can choose from different layouts and customize colors, fonts, and palettes to create a beautiful, professional-looking blog post that showcases your work.

The benefits definitely go beyond aesthetics, though. The platform also offers great SEO features, including the ability to set up alt tags and auto-rename files based on descriptions. 

So, if you haven't already, click the button at the bottom of this email to receive a on free bonus month with Pictime, and try out the blog feature! 

Photo Therapy- Picture Perfect blogging with Pictime!



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